
The Biamonte Method of Candida Elimination

The method of disposal Candida Biamonte is divided into five main sections. Each main section can have subsections. In addition to having its own unique mechanism eliminating Candida, each section is also designed to prepare the body for the next section. This ensures that each section is working properly. For example, section or phase will not function properly if the first phase was not done until the final completion and so on.

The reason is that the section 5 has been found that Candida be removed or eliminated from the body in "layers". This is due to different growth stages and different underlying causes experiences that allow for growth.

Candida also as a chameleon, capable of transforming a yeast fungus. Candida is very durable and may be able to mutate in an antifungal against or about 21 days, so that "rotation", or change the use of an antifungal orderly manner is essential.

Now, more than ever, I think the use of an approach that attempts to correct all the imbalances of the patient, symptoms and / or gaps simultaneously exacerbate the Candida. Some vitamins, minerals, amino acids and herbs can spread Candida. This is the B complex, vitamin D, calcium, copper and iron. Other nutrients protect the Candida of the same drugs used to kill. Most antifungal function by creating "oxidative stress" against the membrane or the outer layer of the Candida. This works by "combustion" or "digestion" of the outer layer of the Candida. The high-dose antioxidant vitamins protect the Candida treatment.

In Biamonte method, we recognize two situations that may require attention from the beginning which has a major impact on Candida. It is the presence of toxic metals and hormonal imbalances. Both were found to be the underlying causes of Candida. However, how these situations are addressed, not just because its beneficiaries, the difference between success and failure.

Hormone Connection

With high levels of estrogen and cortisol, or have lower levels of testosterone, DHEA or progesterone can make a man or more prone to Candida and cause a woman continues to relapse. Other hormonal imbalances can cause Candida too. Candida can stimulate the immune system to attack the thyroid gland, which causes Hashimoto's disease. Women who find that their symptoms worsen during PMS Candida menstruation, or men who realize they have a lack of energy or libido development applications such as symptoms, have hormonal problems associated with Candida. Candida easily cause stress by increasing cortisol, the stress hormone, which suppress the immune system and estrogen, increase the amount of sugars present in the mucus surrounding the Candida. Fortunately, I learned years of experience that the standard approach to test and treat hormonal problems often Candida worse! In Biamonte method, we use a special form of proof of hormones that reflects how the hormone affects the Candida. Standard blood test for hormones are of little use. It is also a special way for the treatment of hormone to not broadcast Candida. Typical hormonal treatments make Candida worse!

Toxic metal connection

Toxic metals such as mercury, copper, iron, aluminum, bismuth, arsenic and appear constantly in Candida patient. These metals can either disable the exact part of the immune system that seeks to control Candida or destroying the intestinal flora Candida control. Mercury and copper are often found in dental fillings and a tap water. During their passage through the intestinal tract, which may stimulate the growth of Candida more. Sign for them is done using a stool sample. A stool sample for toxic metals reflects the body's ability to excrete metals with feces in the liver in the main path of the metal excretion; urine is not an outlet for the body to dump metals. Stool also shows the amount of metal is exposed to Candida!

The body is not Candida as a mercury protection mechanism. This is false information! Mercury removes intestinal antibodies and immune response after allowing Candida to grow.

Many doctors make the mistake of chelation or aggressively try to eliminate Candida metals patients early in treatment, thinking that the handling of the case to fade quickly. However, this only serves to spread the Candida. Like the vast effusion metals move through the intestinal tract, it is contacted and the yeast is propagated!

The material removal should be done after the yeast is gone. Biamonte method, we use a substance that binds to the metal in the intestinal tract during the early phase of Candida to maintain the metal away until Candida can cause the patient in the third stage when the metal can be treated in any security.

May 1 diagram Candida elimination phases

Phase 0

Several years ago, I discovered that parasites can cause Candida. This is covered in other articles and writings can be found on our website. The exact mechanics of this is simple. Parasites that antibiotics destroy friendly flora are. Many parasites excrete ammonia and other toxic chemicals that destroy friendly flora such as acidophilus. Some parasites also lower the immune response in the intestinal tract of yeast to proliferate. Anything that destroys the friendly flora can cause Candida overgrowth friendly flora holds Candida under control.

The purpose of Phase 0 is sufficient to eliminate the noise of the lining of the intestinal tract so that the person does not relapse quickly into Phase 1. Phase 0 also removes the upper layers of the growth of Candida so there is less Phase 1 of mortality to make you feel sick. This also allows the Phase 1 absorb faster and deeper into your system. We have 27 different versions of phase 0. I will choose the one that best suits the patient's medical history and current symptoms.

Phase 0, of course, is also beginning to remove the top layers of Candida. Phase 0 acts as a "challenge" for Candida urinalysis is done. (See the article, "Test Method Biamonte Candida"). Phase program 0 is loosened and broken yeast colonies, bacteria and parasites. This ensures that the waste products that are released in the urine is clear so that we know the true nature of Candida levels. Having studied urine tests conducted before and after Phase 0 Phase 0, I will determine the Phase 1 program is necessary.

In many cases, the test is required for hormonal imbalances and "leaky gut syndrome '' when the patient begins phase 0.

Phase 1

The purpose of Phase 1 is to remove and destroy most of Candida in the body. This program destroys Candida in the intestines, blood, lymph and vital organs.

This is known as the rotation schedule. Once you have tasted the person to discover the type of Candida are then selected four substances that are particularly effective in this type of Candida. The first is given for a period of four days, then stopped. Then we went to the next substance for four days. This operation is repeated several times. This rotation is done so that the Candida does not develop resistance to the substance. (This concept is covered in my previous articles on Candida.)

This program can last from 2 to 4 months, and can go through a series of increasing doses, depending on the results of the urinalysis. Phase 1 dose may be increased by 50%, 100% or 150%. If the test does not indicate increased mortality occurs despite increasing doses phase could be considered complete.

At that time, hormonal imbalances can be addressed and a program to correct this starts as a supplement. If you are unbalanced hormones, not entirely clear Candida and Phase 1 does not kill all potential victims!

Phase 2

The purpose of Phase 2 is as follows: 1) destroy Candida buried in the intestinal tract. If it is not removed Candida eventually lead to full relapse within six months to a year. 2) Define the good bacteria in the intestinal tract and stimulate the immune response in the gut that fight Candida and pests. This is not done in Phase 1 or Phase 0 because we have shown that Candida acidophilus bifidus friendly and prevent bacteria from growing. Candida must be removed before the bacteria will grow. An analogy would be trying to plant flowers in a garden weed. 3) Compensation for damage in the intestinal tract (leaky gut) has occurred that can cause food allergies and chemical sensitivities. Each of these actions can be your own sub-phase. This phase may also take 2-4 months or more, depending on the needs of patients and results of tests.

Phase 3

The purpose of Phase 3 is to recover energy. We began by completely eliminate all toxic metals. This is the first concern of Phase 3. often test toxic metals using the tissue mineral analysis (Hair tests), DMPs urine test or DMSA provocation, and toxic metal stool tests. Toxic metals interfere with any corrections or balance of nutrients. Nutritional deficiencies, immune, some hormonal imbalances and some not correct imbalances in neurotransmitters in the presence of toxic metals. When toxic metals are removed completely, then correct possible deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, hormones, neurotransmitters, or fatty acids in the world.

Blood and minerals special fabrics are made to measure all the nutrients.

Phase 3 genetic testing

Genetic testing is also an important part of Phase 3. More specifically, we look for genetic errors that cause Candida! Genetic testing also tells us that the diseases and imbalances of the nutrients your body tends to the role of chromosomal errors was inherited from his parents. Compare the genetic test, which says "what might happen" with special minerals testing of blood and tissue, telling me "what happens" to see if genetic trends are causing imbalances nutrients in the present. These would be our next concern. Genetic testing, we discovered that the nutrients a person needs to be an ongoing maintenance program according to their own genetics.

The most common way to try to recover the energy in one having candidiasis is the use of many vitamins and minerals or other exotic supplements designed to increase energy while Candida in the body is always error .

Leave a toxic body tens of nutrients is asking for trouble. One can get very sick if many nutrients are taken when they are chronically toxic. The nutrients cause a release of crazy, uncontrolled toxins, that is not going to prepare the body for delivery. The result was feeling horrible. Candida suffers usually get vitamin supplements side effects.

That is why they are not given vitamins through Phase 3 after the Candida is gone.

Phase 4

The goal here is to stimulate the immune system. To avoid repetition of Candida or chronic viral conditions, proper immune function should be restored. After Phase 1, Phase 2 (kill the yeast) and phase 3 (eliminating toxins, restoring / mineral balance of vitamins / hormones and energy) is complete, the immune system is fully ready restored. Immune function will not return if we deficiencies and toxic metals, since these problems can suppress the immune system. You certainly can not restore the immune system, so that you have an active infection Candida. If your house was on fire (which is like having an infection), you run into the burning house with new carpets, wallpaper and furniture to try to "build home emergency" while he was in the process of burn? I doubt it!

There are also many immune stimulating herbs and extracts of glands that can be used at this stage. These are determined based on mineral blood test / special fabric. Many are caught in the cycle 4-6 working days and 2-4 days off. This prevents the body's resistance to the substance itself. The immune stimulant mineral, Gemanium, echinacea and many other substances are better and outlet.

Special test can be done to measure immune function.

Why it works!

This method has a rate of over 90% success rate, according to our recent surveys.

Much of the success of this approach is not what we do, but when we do, and what you do not do it!

The mixture of these phases results together in a patient responds slowly, do not respond at all, or worse. Most doctors Candida poor results because they fail to understand the interactions between Candida, vitamins, hormones and toxic metals.

The advantage and the importance of this program is to prevent relapse. This program has two fundamental objectives: the first is to eliminate Candida using our advanced methods and the second is to prevent relapse systematically correct all

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